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The Market Ticker

The people who came to Washington this last weekend had many beefs in detail but only one in principle: Our government no longer stands for what it did 230 years ago. It no longer stands for the rule of law. It no longer stands against oligarchs. (

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U.S. Senate

...This just in...The Senate Voted 83-7 with 9 not voting to end the funding of ACORN! Statement of Purpose: Prohibiting use of funds to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Now we won't have to see there pre-fab si

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American Thinker

'I'm as Mad as Hell, and I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!' Health care reform is merely the spark that has touched off a prairie fire of grassroots rebellion among a people who believe their representatives do not represent them, do not listen to them and do not care what they think. Many Americans feel that they are losing control of their financial well being, their values and their culture. Shell shock set in as they tried to absorb the rapidity of drastic change.

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housands of people marched to the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

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Daily Paul

Jeff Frazee of Young Americans for Liberty sent this info along yesterday: Ron Paul & Michele Bachman will lead a student town hall discussion at the University of Minnesota on Friday, September 25, 2009 at 7:00pm CT. This is a big day for Dr. Paul and the movement, as it is the same day as the HR 1207 hearings. Dr. Paul will fly immediately from the hearings in DC to Minneapolis for the event, so this will be his first opportunity to comment on the hearings. Jeff is trying to set up a webcast of the event so everyone can watch and hear Dr. Paul's comments. Stay tuned for more info. Here's an article from the local press, the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune: Paul, Bachmann to speak at student town hall at U The event is hosted by Young Americans for Liberty and sponsored by the Minnesota Campaign for Liberty, Republican Party of Minnesota, Minneapolis City Republican Committee, College Republicans, CFACT, and Students for a Conservative Voice.

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Zero Hedge

Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. - Sen. Barack Obama, 2006 While Zero Hedge has been accused of disagreeing with President Obama's statements, ideas, and policies before, we would like to state on the record that we wholeheartedly agree with the President on this one occasion, with the caveat that it was uttered at a time when i) he was not a president, and ii) he presumably actually did in fact care about "our children and grandchildren" instead of simply indulging in an onanistic splurge of spending, bailing out beta chasing bankers and hedge fund managers, and, through his appointee Ben Bernanke, reducing the national currency of the United States to a smoking hulk of burnt toast. Superimposing Obama from 2006 with his current incarnation, threatens a schizoid break no less than would dropping Bono's two alte

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Sometimes I lay in bed and think and think and think which isn't easy at my age, but at times my brain will not shut down it seems. What has become of all of us? What have we become? How did we get to this point?

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Bayou Buzz

If a presidential election were held last night on the campus of Loyola University New Orleans, the winner would not have been the 48 year old occupant of the White House, but a spry 74 year old physician from Texas. U..S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) enthralled a huge crowd of supporters and students with a one hour address on topics ranging from the war in Afghanistan to the Federal Reserve. The crowd was so large that the university set up five overflow rooms to accommodate the intense interest in Dr. Paul’s message. It was amazing to see such an enthusiastic reception for Paul’s message of limited government, freedom and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. The event was mostly promoted on the Internet and, as usual, the mainstream media was nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, more and more people are learning about Ron Paul and they agree with his message. Last night, Paul warned that the U.S. foreign policy was creating enemies for this country around the worl

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

It was Bretton Woods that marked the system of global economic planning that created the world economy and the summits that go with it.

"It really was an important foundation to the economic coordination we have today," said Mr. Coons, who joined a dozen other experts last month for a commemorative discussion on the 1944 "United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference" held at the New Hampshire resort.


Article Image Go to his site and see why Arizona patriots are willing to give up their time and money to support the Nick Coons congressional race. Nick Coons will work with Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh, Rand Paul, and Peter Shiff to correct the egregious attack on our liberties by the united States government.

Libertarianism holds that each person has the right to their life, liberty, and justly acquired property; that each person is free to make their own life decisions, so long as they don't infringe on the same rights of others, and should take responsibility for the consequences of those decisions. Government should not be imposing these decisions on us.
Nick Coons for Congress - 2010

I am not a professional politician; I've never held any public office. Based on my credentials, I am not what the average American would view as today's politician. And in my book, all of these are positive attributes. The founders

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Minnesota Independent

In an interview with AM 1280 on Saturday, Rep. Michele Bachmann announced that she will have Rep. Ron Paul as her guest for a September town hall forum in St. Cloud. “I’ll be doing another town hall up in the St. Cloud area in September and we’ll do that on monetary policy. Ron Paul is going to come in and we are going to host something on monetary policy,” Bachmann said. Bachmann is a convert to the Ron Paul movement, sometimes attending the congressman’s weekly lunches. “I especially want to speak to the 19- to 20-year olds so they can know what there future will be under this level of debt accumulation and spending,” she added about the forum. “They need to know their future. And so I’m bringing him in so we can have a discussion on monetary policy.”

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