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“And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice…intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and sys

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We will be making new stencils and designs for signs to be hung up everywhere regarding photo radar and the surveillance state. Bring your ideas and paints tonight, Monday the 2nd, at 5:00 PM! Light snacks and drinks to help replenish the supplies

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The following teaser is for what appears to be an actual, "serious" feature-length film called Tea Party: The Documentary Film. We were pointed to it yesterday by several folks after we released our own short documentary, Tea Party Express II: Rise o

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Written By:

I just heard Ernest talk about his 1994 protest against John Kyl'e support for the assault weapons ban. What we need now is to make a YouTube video showing everyone where to download a picture with concentric

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Daniel Heller

Arizona State University hosted the national 2009 West Coast Students for Liberty Conference last Saturday. ASU Students for Liberty is a student organization dedicated to promoting peace, prosperity, personal responsibility, free markets and free mi

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FIJA activism represents possibly the only opportunity for citizens to fight the government on its own turf: as a juror, you may have to be a slave, but you don’t need to participate in the perpetuation of your own bondage. Better still, you may help

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Andrew Strmic

This is a Anti-Mandatory Vaccine Sign making meet-up. If you come expect to get dirty. It will be at Freedom's Phoenix Workshop @ 6pm on Tuesday Oct. 27th This is not a meeting... it is a workshop so lets have fun and get dirty!

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Demonstration today – AZ 51 and Highland overpass in Phoenix, AZ. From the event’s Meetup page: Many of you have asked for and suggested a sign wave demonstration in central Phoenix and more specifically on Highway 51- home of those nasty f

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Economic Policy Journal

National People's Action Network has put out an email reporting that 10,000 people have signed up to protest this weekend at the American Bankers Association conference in Chicago.

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Last week, Congressmen Alan Grayson and Ron Paul sent a letter to the Senate Banking Committee about the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke.

Agorist Hosting