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JC Venter (Synthetic Genomics) and Novartis are currently producing vaccines with flesh/steel eating synthetic bacterium called "Synthia". These are COMPUTER programmed "cells" designed for specific tasks that can self replicate and maybe even T

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Mega Machine

This is the Peugeot EX1, a two-seat electric roadster concept car built to celebrate the French brand’s 200th anniversary. And the EX1 will let Peugeot usher in its bicentennial in style as it’s just notched up a number of electric car world records.

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On November 2, 2010 Sun Devils for Israel invited Sergeant Nadav Weinberg who is a Israel Defense Soldier (IDF) to speak about the "Ethics of the IDF." This is how ASU students responded:

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Wendy McElroyDelist .gov!

I fear the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers lacks the testicular fortitude to do this, but if the "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act" is passed, and a U.S. court orders them to disrupt the Domain Name System, there