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IPFS News Link • Activism

33 minutes - Host a Screening (Publisher: How to be a Warmonger at Home)

(Publisher: The Koreas, China and Russia abandon the Dollar, Iran, WAR WAR WAR and TSA in our pants. Now we hit with this piece being promoted by The Heritage Foundation.... "Got Chickens?")
Host a Screening!

All across the country communities are gathering together to educate themselves on the need for missile defense. If you'd like to be part of the nationwide discussion, fill out the form below to host a screening in your area. Whether your group is 1,000 people strong or 100 concerned citizens, The Heritage Foundation will provide all of the materials necessary to plan and publicize your screening. When you submit your information, a representative from The Heritage Foundation will contact you to confirm the details. From there you'll receive the 33 Minutes screening kit that includes a copy of the one-hour documentary, a planning guide, promotional materials and so much more! If you have trouble with this form, please send an e-mail to

If you have any trouble with this form, please send email to


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by scott vincent
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Neocon, interventionist trash.