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IPFS News Link • r3VOLution Continues


• Ok, I started it!

My dear Friends and Fellow Patriots,

It has been a long, hard road since January 21 of 2007 when this Group was created.

For a purpose.

Take back our Country from a long train of criminals.

It was time for a revolution of epic proportions, and we had a man on the inside that was ready to stand up for us and give it a go.

We sacrificed a lot to lay the groundwork and do what had to be done and some of us have never stopped.

I believe firmly in my heart that the platform of honesty over deceit that was common to both the Paul and Trump Campaigns, along with everything we have seen and withstood throughout the Bush/Clinton/Obama dynasties, were the resounding factor of the election.

This deserves a Celebration larger than the Bicentennial!

It starts on Friday and should go through the night because Saturday is our TENTH BIRTHDAY!

If anyone can suggest a larger venue than my house, please do. Otherwise, there WILL be a party at MY house, 'come Hell or High Water' as my folks used to say.

It couldn't have happened without us!

With much love,
