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IPFS News Link • Activism

University Dropping Charges Against "Sidewalk Chalk Criminals"

• Phoenix New Times
As part of a student rally, 24-year old Jacob Miller and 10 others drew pictures and messages to protest budget cuts on Thursday. Among their dangerous doodles were outlines of bodies with price tags, to represent the "commercialization of education," according to the student paper, the Daily Wildcat.

Miller was ticketed later that day for "criminal damages and disrupting university operations," and charged with two class-one misdemeanors, which carry a fine of $2,500 and up to six months in jail for each count.

Outraged over Miller's arrest, another student, Evan Lisull wrote "Chalk is speech," and "Freedom of expression" on the campus sidewalk Monday morning, according to the Daily Star, and was promptly ticketed for the same offense.