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IPFS News Link • Activism

Demonstrations in the Street - Your Home Mortgage is Invalid & Your Politicians Desperately Need a P

I’ve always been puzzled by the lack of action and reaction of the public to the mortgage crisis. As I write this, it gets worse, more people lose their homes, more homes are beset by adversary relations between family members, more alcohol abuse, more spousal abuse, more child abuse, more anxiety, depression, divorce and grief. This was all done TO the people not BY the people. Tens of millions of people did not wake up one morning in 2001 with a plan to obtain fraudulent mortgages, with fraudulent appraisals, based upon non-existent income. In the article below, you see how people can get things rolling by forgetting the ideology and getting with the program: this could not have happened without Wall Street running wild, without incentives to create bad mortgages, and without the tacit or express complicity of the federal Reserve and other U.S. agencies. How about letting them know you don’t like it? The Constitution allows for freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. Don’t let