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Swastika painted outside Ga. congressman's office

• AP
The FBI and police were investigating after a swastika was painted outside Rep. David Scott's district office in Georgia, an act the suburban Atlanta Democrat said reflects an increasingly hateful and racist debate over health care and should remind people to tone down their rhetoric.

Scott's staff arrived at his Smyrna, Ga., office Tuesday morning to find the Nazi graffiti emblazoned on a sign bearing the lawmaker's name. The vandalism occurred roughly a week after Scott was involved in a confrontational argument over health care at a community meeting.


4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Sadly, we are seeing the rebirth of the Klu-Klux-Klan, and the skin head-like militias in the name of Patriotism...

Comment by rainyday
Entered on:

It's a false flag job for the liberal media to make an irrelevant point.   

It's an attention getter so you will look in the other direction and not focus on the real issues.

Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

Another Example of just what is coming in this country. The Firery Passion of hate and what our Founding Fathers told us to watch out for is exactlyl what these in DC will get. Tell me now all you congressmen and women, did George Washington and the rest hate the British for what they did? All those in DC are being paid not by the American people but by special interest, Corporations, Banks, you name it, it sure isnt part of the American Way. The moment arrogance plays a part in those we elect not listen to us and do what we say, they place themselves as the traitors and enemies of the American People. We want people we elect our Servants not our Masters. We are the Masters. This goes also towards those depts that are illegal, FBI, CIA, Dept of Defense, etc....We would not have any problems in the world or here if these dept did not exist. Go Figure!

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Yeah, ain't that nice?  Still, there are those that question the mental state of these whackadoodles posing as "patriots"

Sad, sad, sad...
