Article Image Tree liberty president obama gun man msnbc town hall William Kostric


Man with gun in NH holding sign. MSNBC flips out.

Written by Subject: Activism
Man with gun, oh me, oh my!

How can they possibly let this happen? What's wrong with the state of New Hampshire? They are just gonna let that guy stand there? No Gitmo, no tasers, no gang-tackle?  Carlos Watson reporting there is a crowd forming in Portsmouth, New Hampshire awaiting the arrival of President Obama with one man, William Kostric, carrying a gun in a holster strapped to his leg.   The people are attending a town hall meeting where president Obama will be speaking.  Things are peaceful in front of the high school.  The Chief of Police was been contacted; he said it is legal for him to have a gun as long as it is registered and not concealed.  The man with the gun is holding a sign that says “Time to Water the Tree of Liberty”.

 William Kostric townhall gun obama healthcare

6 Comments in Response to

Comment by RShackleford
Entered on:

So...they noticed the gun...but did anyone else notice "the grassy knoll" behind the PMSNBC reporter?

Why is it that these idiots think the "Bill of Rights", contained in The Constitution, only has 1 ammendment....there are 9 more that they should familiarize themseves with if they ever want to have any credibility.....

No one died at our town meeting (St. George UT) last night and I know at least 6 of us where packing concealed. And I only knew about 20 of the 300+ people there.

Comment by Bennichs
Entered on:


The man's name is Whilliam, he is a "Free Stater" in NH. There are a lot of people who know him well and say he is no "government plant."

So what if he has an earpiece (they are not only used for secret service)? They make earpieces for a lot of different uses. Cell phones, walki talkkis, radio...


Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Goes to show you:  never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

Comment by Joel Turner
Entered on:

HEY! Anybody besides me notice the man had a ear bud just like the secret service, was a crock of crap the was staged to create a buzzz.

Comment by rainyday
Entered on:

Too bad the whole town didn't show up at the town hall meeting with guns. lol

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 I love the second amendment !!!!!!!!!

Libs take your hysteria and stick it.

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