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Liberty Underground

Ever see the Fast & Furious movies? If so you know that where there’s smoke, there’s wheel spinning. Today Obama started spinning his wheels making a lot of smoke. He exerted “executive privilege” denying congress access to Justice Department documen

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Most Bloggers, SEO specialists and webmasters know getting quality backlinks is important, they just do it the wrong way! I’m not saying every website owner does it wrong, just 93% of you! The internet’s changed tremendously over the last fifteen

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Chris Haskell - Real News Tucson

This is an Introduction to GMO FOODS! Real News Tucson reporter Kassie will give you a short introduction as to what GMO foods are..... why you probably shouldn't allow your family, loved ones or yourself to eat GMO's if you want to stay healthy or

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Cast your votes for the leaders, artists, innovators, icons and heroes that you think are the most influential people in the world. Official voting ends on Friday, April 6, and the poll winner will be included in the TIME 100 issue. The complete TIME

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The 12-hour webcast, preceding Tuesday's Michigan and Arizona primaries, runs from noon to midnight February 25 in conjunction with a 24-hour, $1 million fundraiser to support the committee's Super Tuesday ad campaign, GOTV efforts and election integ

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