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This is a call to action. Your freedom to eat real food—and even to hear the truth about it—are under attack. In its latest salvo against our health and freedom, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to Diamond Foods stating t

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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Hulu Documentaries

Who owns the patent on a so-called "suicide gene" in crops that are known to cross-pollinate with non-genetically modified crops? The United State Government, that's who. Because they love you.

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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Time magazine

In November BrewDog, a Scottish microbrewery released a new brand, dubbed Tactical Nuclear Penguin. The beer set a new record by weighing in at a scary [non-fortified] 32% alcohol-by-volume, over 6 times the strength of Budweiser.

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David Mercer Associated Press Writer

Katherine Albrecht, director of a group called Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, said she worries that the practice could lead to a switch from a voluntary system to mandatory use of such cards

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No refined sugar is good for you--but HFCS seems to be significantly worse. The long-running, contentious debate over the dangers of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may be approaching a conclusive end -- one not likely to please those sensitive souls

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A large batch of the flavor enhancer known as hydrolyzed vegetable protein or HVP, supplied by Basic Food Flavors, a North Las Vegas food ingredient company, was found to be laced with salmonella. Thus far, over one hundred products containing the in

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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Huffington Post

In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats. Acc

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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“Imagine being served a plate of sushi. But this plate also holds all of the animals that were killed for your serving of sushi. The plate might have to be five feet across,” Foer writes.

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“If someone were to tell you that chemicals added to the food could cause brain damage in your children, and these chemicals could effect how your children’s nervous system formed during development