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IPFS News Link • Food

Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op Now in Las Vegas

• Dancing Doula

$15 for $50 worth!! The power of bulk buying.

$15 for $50 worth!! The power of bulk buying.

Bountiful Baskets website

Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op is a group buy using the power of bulk purchasing to get great prices on produce and other goods from wholesalers. This group operates in the southwest states and was recently expanded to include Las Vegas. Produce is delivered twice monthly and the reception was so great, you can expect new locations next time around and the option for an organic basket for $10 more. What a fantastic new food option for us all in southern Nevada!

I attended the very first Bountiful Baskets Event this morning and it was amazing. There were many volunteers, dozens of boxes of fresh, colorful produce and within minutes it was all sorted out into hundreds of beautiful and for only $15, extremely bountiful baskets. There were freebies for the volunteers and lots of friendly faces, even at 8 am on Saturday morning.

This is how it works:
You place your order on the Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op website and select your location.
You pay and print out your reciept.
The next Saturday morning the goods are delivered 6 am, volunteers arrive by 7 am and sort the produce into individual baskets before 8 am when the people who ordered arrive to pick up thier baskets.
Simple and a great way to get out chat and meet people in this little-big town of ours.

There were about 50 people at any given time chatting while waiting for fantastic fresh produce.

There were about 50 people at any given time chatting while waiting for fantastic fresh produce.

This was so popular there will definitely be an organic option in the future.

This was so popular there will definitely be an organic option in the future.

Check your local resources and chances are there are co-ops and group buying clubs near you waiting to save you a penny or two.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 Hey!  Another great option is Angel Food Ministries, a Christian food merchandising system that requires no membership and accepts food stamps (or the EBT cards).  I buy from them, and also volunteer once a month. They sell better food at better prices than WalMart. A $30 order will feed a family of four for a week, including several pounds of steak, hamburger, frozen veggies, etc. Your order can be placed online at, and once a month a big rig will deliver groceries to a local church for pick-up by those who have prepaid earlier by deadline. This is NOT CHARITY. It is excellent food at great prices, a Christian supply line in the ministry of logistics! Check it out!