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Terrence Aym

Most people who dine out want a nice place to eat offering tasty food and good ambiance. But some seek adventure. And what better adventure than flirting with a meal that can kill you with your very next bite? Here are three of the deadliest dishes o

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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There is a reason why I believe Monsanto to be one of the most evil companies on the planet, and this is in large part due to its activities relating to controlling food production through controlling the seeds to produce it. For nearly all of its hi

News Link • Global Reported By War Onyou
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The Baltimore City Health Department issued its first environmental citation for repeat violations of the city's trans fat ban. The Health Department issued Healthy Choice, a food facility in the 400 block of Lexington Street, a $100 fine on Thursday

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NY Times

The big idea behind Candy Professor is that candy carries so much moral and ethical baggage that people view it as fundamentally different — in a bad way — from other kinds of food. “At least candy is honest about what it is,” she said. “It has a

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The PPJ Gazette

With the recent decision to temporarily hold off on GM Salmon production, I thought it might be time again to visit the GM Minutia from around the globe. Attention Monsanto : You may save the fraction of several hundred thousand dollars paid to Bl

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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Written By:

 CHICKENS AND DUCKS FREE TO A GOOD HOME: I have 6 chickens and 2 ducks (the ducks are 3 years old, the chickens are 2 1/2 years old), all have been raised together, so I do not want to separate them.  The chicken breeds are:  2 Bu

Letters to the Editor • Global
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The mice were fed the modified protein once a day for three days. Five days later, they were fed the protein in its unmodified form. Another group of mice was not fed the modified protein at all. The severity of the allergic response to the unmodifie

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Soaring prices threaten new food crisis – Oct-08 Raw materials index soars to two-year high – Oct-08 Wheat and corn rise as Ukraine limits exports – Oct-07 Shortfall drives tin to record high – Oct-05 Food inflation is real, and it is here. A c

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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The PPJ Gazette

GM Salmon Postponed For Now. September 30, 2010 by Lynn Swearingen | Edit Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Eleven US Senators have signed a letter to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg urging the agency to find another

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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Farm Wars

We need to get back to local food sources, and less dependence on the corporate structure of monopoly, greed, and debt-financed farming methods.

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Amanda Whitney-yahoo news

1. The linings of formula cans contain bisphenol-A, 2. Feeding an infant formula can increase the child's risk of developing food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease, 3. It is impossible to produce sterile powdered infant formula. 4. Baby fo
