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By David Hendee

Warnings of higher food prices headed for American supermarkets and restaurants were swallowed easily across much of farm country Wednesday. The big gulp came when the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that global demand had pushed U.S. corn

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Farm Wars

Whether you need food assistance or are a producer willing to help others, here is a very handy tool for locating the nearest Feeding America Food Bank where you can find pantry schedules and addresses as well as drop-off locations for donations.

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Chicken prices are among the first to rise because the bird's life span is so short that higher feed costs get factored in quickly, he said. Price hikes for hogs take about a year and cattle two years. Prices on packaged foods take six or seven month

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Farm Wars

Phil Geertson is a conventional alfalfa seed grower who has been involved in efforts to stop GE (genetically engineered) alfalfa since 2003. Geertson said that deregulated GE alfalfa will contaminate all alfalfa plants!

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The Political Commentator

Basic human needs. Without them people will fight to survive. FINO (friend in name only) Air, water, and .... food. The three B's of basic human sustenance After that, everything else is just gravy. Without access to theses three things the mo

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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Farm Wars

In the wake of the recent GMO alfalfa victory for biotech pirates masquerading as USDA gatekeepers, here come the beets. This spring we can count on yet another biotech mutation receiving the USDA seal of approval, damn the law, full steam ahead.

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The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex Alimentarius.

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Farm Wars

Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma! Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within.

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"Tasty ... kind of nutty!" the 20-year-old assures her companions clutching an array of creepy crawly pastries at a seminar, which forecast that larvae and locusts will invade Western menus as the price of steak and chops skyrocket. Van Tol and a
