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Tierney O'Hara - Terrence Aym

Most people approach food as a pleasure, but some approach it as a challenge. The Naga Viper, now officially rated as the world's hottest chili pepper is so hot it could kill you with one bite. Anyone foolish enough to pop one in their mouth will

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Farm Wars

Just when you thought it was safe to relax a bit about S.510, here it is, alive and rolling through Congress like a fast-pitched baseball. It seems that nothing short of an act of God will stop this bill.

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KFC is looking to expand across Africa's pristine fast-food frontier, reports the Wall Street Journal. KFC's parent company Yum Brands hopes to open 600 more restaurants across the continent and double its revenue to $2 billion by 2014.

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This is doable, city folks! The first segment shows the community garden, and the second shows a backyard garden, along with a compost bin, chicken coop, and start of a greenhouse all made from pallets.

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This is doable, city folks! The first segment shows the community garden, and the second shows a backyard garden, along with a compost bin, chicken coop, and start of a greenhouse all made from pallets.