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IPFS News Link • Food

S 510 Food Safety Sneak Attack! Passed by Unanimous Consent

How many times does Congress have to stick it to us before we realize that this body politic has no other function than to obey its corporate masters? If you think that you are being represented by these crooks, liars and thieves, then think again. The “Food Safety” bill is alive and has taken so many twists and turns to end up on the verge of becoming law of the land that nobody in his or her right mind could possibly believe that they are not going to cram this garbage down our collective throat no matter what. And if you thought that good old Sen. Tom Coburn, who had been blocking the legislation would ultimately hold onto what little integrity he could muster and save the day by rescuing us from impending Food Safety doom, think no more. “He lifted his objection at the final moment” (Alexander Bolton), and this travesty of justice was passed in the Senate by unanimous consent. So, I present to you, unequivocally, the final straw that broke the camel’s back for any sane person relying on Congress to be anything other than what it is; and that is a reeking cesspool of corruption and deceit. It would seem that the only thing to do now is bend over and…well, you know the rest. The House will, quite possibly place the final nail in the coffin on Tuesday.
