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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Sudan Next To Succumb To Bernanke’s Inflationary Experiment


About a month ago, some took offense at our characterization of the Chair-hewlettpackard-man as a “bearded mutant-cum-supreme genocidal overlord” after we predicted to the dot that his monetary policy would eventually lead to a global, well, genocide, presumably first in the developing world.

Following riots, self-immolations and outright revolutions in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt, in the span of a few shorts weeks, we believe we have been once again validated. Putting the period in any debate of what Bernanke’s runaway money printing means to the life-expectancy of increasing number of people, is the latest news coming out of Sudan where “security forces on Tuesday arrested opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi and eight other party officials after they called for a “popular revolution” if Khartoum did not reverse price rises.”

