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IPFS News Link • Food

Salads, Glorious Salads! From Self-Discipline Exercise to Truly Gourmet Treat! No Kidding!

I believe that all food must be absolutely divinely tasty. Yes it must be healthy, and yes we want to take care of our body. But you know, it shouldn’t taste healthy, if you know what I mean. Far from it. There is food for the body, and then there is food for the soul. (I believe “Soul food”, as I call it, consists of the things we do that nurture our spirit, such as music, dancing, nature, being with good friends, etc). But here, I also am talking about foods to nourish body and soul alike, with an artistic blend of flavors and visuals that are just plain never to be forgotten. Do you doubt it? Try these recipes here! I guaranteed you a gourmet experience in salads never to be forgotten, didn’t I? That even kids and grown-ups alike will just love, in fact which will keep you both coming back and begging for more? Trust me, and I mean what I say. Check this out! 
