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IPFS News Link • TAXES: Local

Phoenix ready to impose 2 percent food tax

• East Valley Tribune

Phoenix City Council members appear ready to approve a 2 percent tax on food purchases.

During a special meeting Tuesday, the council is likely to vote on the tax as a way of closing a $241 million budget deficit.

If approved, the tax would take effect April 1.


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

There are four basic necessities:  Food, Water, Shelter, and Safety.   The city Lords of Phoenix are attacking one of these; food.  Possibly we will be able to convince them not go go thru with this - BUT - if they do then ALL of us must remember this at election time and vote EVERY ONE OF THEM of them out of office - forever, AND never do buisness with any business or company any of them own or are a part of.

Comment by waysane
Entered on:

It only takes a perusal of Phoenix'  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to see how ludicrous this is. There constant references to budget deficits has nothing to do with the financial condition of the city.

Comment by Ken Valentine
Entered on:

 I don't suppose the alternative of cutting back on their spending has ever occurred to them. . . .