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Federal Reserve

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Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

When government claims that it's going to make something (anything) "more affordable" or "more accessible" ... watch out! Their attempt to tilt the tables in a certain direction always backfires. It ends up ultimately hurting those who they intended

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Democrats want the bubble machine turned back on. Stop raising rates! Our unconstitutional and immoral monetary system, run by the Federal Reserve, is like a game of financial musical chairs. Everyone wants to take credit for the fake and illusionary

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

In what is likely the least surprising news headline of the day, The Federal Reserve's Watchdog has cleared Chair Jerome Powell and former Vice Chair Richard Clarida of any wrongdoing in their trading activity.

Article Image BY GOLDCORE

"Don't underestimate the power of a narrative" says our guest on GoldCore TV this week. Jim Rickards joins Dave Russell to talk about perception, the Putin Price Hike and why he believes Ukraine cannot win the war.

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

It's rare, but politicians and central bankers sometimes (accidentally) tell the truth. This week, Jerome Powell claimed The Fed, which unconstitutionally counterfeits trillions of dollars, has little understanding about inflation. They're apparently