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Religion: Believers

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This is the first time in America's history when Christians have been forbidden by government edict to close their churches on Easter Sunday--or to close their churches at all, for that matter.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Whatever one's beliefs, after several weeks of mandatory "stay at home" orders and the complete shutdown of the US economy over the coronavirus, this self-destructive hysteria must end and we must reclaim the freedom and liberty that has provid

Article Image, By Becky Akers

With the arrests of preachers in Florida and Louisiana, the rotten fruit of Christendom's genuflecting to the State drops and splatters.

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Ron Paul Institute - Shane Kastler

I'm not sure which is more sad, that American pastors are being arrested for having public worship services or that most Christians seem to be perfectly fine with that travesty.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Claims of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election (and the 2020 campaigns of Trump and Sanders) and the recent debacle of the Iowa caucus, where technological glitches and error-ridden results caused mayhem, have shaken many Americans'

Article Image by Dennis Owens

'The Exorcist' was a classic and creepy movie in 1973. But demonic possession is not just the stuff of Hollywood. Every Catholic diocese in the world is concerned about evil spirits in 2020, and they've all been instructed to name a priest to c

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