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Religion: Believers

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Article Image Dennis Prager

This week Dennis met with Rob McCoy, the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Godspeak. His church was one of a handful of churches that opened their doors without any COVID restrictions, despite the threat of fines from the local government. Tune into th

Article Image - Bionic Mosquito

My recent interaction with Paul VanderKlay regarding natural law motivated me to spend some time looking into the relationship of Protestant thinkers with natural law.

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It took me over 30 years to see the light regarding the Biblical and historical truth of Israel. So, I should not be surprised or discouraged that it has taken so long for other Christians to awaken to this truth. But the good news is, the tide is sl

Article Image, By Becky Akers

The plandemic has unleashed poltroons, fiends and mountebanks on us, but few are more contemptible than Parson Goat.

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Back in 2012, palm scanners were being tested in school cafeterias. Fast forward nine years later, churches, businesses, and individuals are accepting biometric scanning to purchase everyday needs thanks to the coronavirus 'pandemic.'

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It is virtually impossible to fully comprehend--much less articulate--the devastation that the phony Covid narrative has caused. The global devastation caused by the hype and hysteria of the Covid narrative has been far more dangerous and deadly th