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Religion: Believers

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I'm talking about the evangelical Christian "leaders" who literally destroyed their character, disgraced their position, dishonored their calling (if they ever had one) and deceived millions of believers in order to grovel before King Trump

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All who are truly righteous (seeking to do what is right) will experience the pain of betrayal. Jesus had Judas…and any individual who seeks to do what is good in this world will have their Judas(es).

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Eric Peters Autos

The First Amendment articulates the freedom of religion. Which implies the freedom to be free of religion; to not be compelled to join any faith movement or be compelled to obey the tenets of any faith.

Article Image, by Linnea Johnson

People choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons. I began homeschooling in the fall of 2012 when after a year in public kindergarten, it became apparent my intelligent but immature son was going to have problems. He did very well at home, as did

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Chronicles Magazine - John Howting

Under these gubernatorial tyrants, we have caught a glimpse of the future. Commerce is stifled while protesting is encouraged. Families cannot meet for a holiday dinner or midnight Mass, but they can march down the street with Antifa.

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Eric Peters Autos

A reader sent in an account of his church's decision to double-down on Sickness Kabuki by ending all "in-person" activities, because the cases! the cases! I reprint his saddening story, with my comments following

Article Image by Selwyn Duke

NYC Gatherings of Christians and Jews, but NOT Muslims, Are Condemned