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Religion: Believers

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Christine Smith blog

The Second Amendment guarantees that you cannot be deprived of your right to keep and bear arms. However, it is not the source of the right...the right is inherent in you being an individual created by God.

Article Image Words Eye View

Jesus 2000 years ago: "The poor ye have with you always." Bernie Fox News Town Hall 4/15/19 " Elect me and my fellow Democratic Socialists and there will be no more poverty.

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Our love of freedom and devotion to the liberty of the individual requires more than simply advocating that government cease regulating peaceful behavior, it also requires advocating for the virtuous as our founders did.

Article Image, Associated Press

SOLDOTNA, Alaska -- A Satanic Temple member who won the right to open a regional Alaska government meeting declared "Hail Satan" during her first invocation, prompting about a dozen officials and attendees to walk out.
