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IPFS News Link • Pro-life/Pro Choice

Ben Carson Slams Abortion: It Has "Perverted the Bond Between Mother and Child Into Something E

•, Micaiah Bilger

Carson, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a neurosurgeon and pro-life advocate, encouraged pro-lifers as he denounced the radical pro-abortion agenda of the left, according to the Christian Post.

"They have perverted that bond [between mother and child] into something that has become evil, something that is horrible, something that is harming me and something that I have a right to kill," Carson said.

"How in the world did we as a society get to that point?" he continued. "We have to be willing to talk about these things. It is our willingness to talk about them and to stand up for people's rights that has resulted in this becoming the nation that this has become."

He said the abortion issue today is like the problem of slavery in the 1800s, where certain human beings were denied basic rights.

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Comment by Ed Martin
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Yet Ben works for an organization that associates with and will force you to do business with a pro-abortionist.