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Senate leaders agreed on Thursday to revive a stalled immigration overhaul after lawmakers worked out a plan to overcome conservatives' objections to a bill that would legalize millions of immigrants.

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Fox News

As President Bush lobbied Congress for an immigration reform bill Tuesday, members of his adminstration began what they said were the first steps to helping immigrants already in the country become Americans. The adminstration launched a new Web sit

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A White House-backed bill to revamp immigration laws stalled in the Senate on Thursday, handing President George W. Bush a major legislative setback. The sharply divided Senate refused to limit debate on the fragile compromise hammered out by a bi

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The United States would spend more to combat illegal immigration and prepare for terrorist and weather-related disasters under legislation approved on Tuesday by a House of Representatives panel that ignores a White House veto threat.

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City officials approved a plan Monday to offer illegal immigrants identification cards that would let them open bank accounts and use other services that may be unavailable without driver's licenses or state-issued IDs.

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Raleigh Chronicle(NC)

Although a new immigration bill that was passed by the US Senate last year chiefly addresses illegal immigration, some components of the bill will definitely benefit the IRS and other government agencies by tracking all sources of wages and compensat

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New York Times

Despite concerns raised by advocates, the federal agency that handles immigration visas confirmed yesterday that it would raise its fees for immigration visas by an average of 66 percent starting July 30.


Congress verges on passing an immigration bill that destroys the fabric of American civilization. S.B. 1348 undermines our citizenship, our laws, our constitution and our future.

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As the nation debates whether, and how, to legalize as many as 12 million illegal immigrants living here, the agency that would spearhead the effort is confronting its reputation as a broken bureaucracy whose inefficiency encourages illegal immigrati

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Fourteen illegal immigrants were arrested and face deportation after being picked up at an Idaho City hotel. The men were working for a contracted employee of the U.S. Forest Service. [So if your forests burn, at least your state was safe from illeg

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EU Observer

It seems the movement of people debate just isn't centered in the US. Seems the EU is very hard on the flow of people into their area, in particular with the country of Ukraine.


If the immigration amnesty contrived by Kennedy/McCain passes, it will cost American tax payers $3 trillion and add 100 million people to the USA within 33 years or sooner. Here is what you can do to stop it.
