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The plan that was last under consideration in the Senate — which included a controversial guest worker program — will largely proceed unchanged. It will be up to the House and Senate negotiators to come up with a plan to which they both can agree.

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The Pentagon has begun exploring options for the potential use of troops and equipment to help secure the U.S. border with Mexico, where hundreds of thousands of migrants enter the country illegally each year, a defense official said

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Associated Press

Much of Douglas, Arizona along the border is separated from Mexico by a fence consisting of 12-foot vertical metal bars, spaced inches apart to prevent illegal immigrants from squeezing through. Though these fences are criticized for shifting would-b

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Associated Press

Following a week of tough talk, a 250-member sheriff's posse that was assembled to catch illegal immigrants made just one arrest in its first desert search. The posse made up of Maricopa County sheriff's deputies and trained volunteers launch

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Associated Press

[Filed your environmental impact statement?] Anticipating no response to its demand that President Bush place US troops on the Mexican border, a civilian watch group said it will start building a short border security fence May 27 on private land.

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By Sara A. Carter, Staff Writer Daily Bulletin

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed.

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Yahoo! News

One of the bloggers suggests that 2006 may be the year of the Lou Dobbs voter. The blogger, the Influence Peddler, is no fan. He considers Dobbs a demagogue, but he wonders whether voters are ready for a Dobbsian program of opposing illegal immigrati

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Christian Science Monitor

Members of the Minuteman Project set off from Los Angeles on a cross-country trip that they hope will be a counterpoint to the immigrants-rights rallies that have lately flooded the streets of American cities.

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Chris James needed help moving a piano and 36 boxes of records from his music studio, but instead of corralling some buddies he rented a truck and hired day laborers outside the local Home Depot. 2 Guatemalan men finished the job in an hour and a ha

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Anybody who's eaten at one of New York's many big-name restaurants may like to think the food was lovingly prepared by a celebrity chef. The reality is it was more likely made by a poorly-paid Mexican immigrant. If all the city's immig

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Washington Times

President Bush and a group of senators reached general agreement on an immigration bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for many illegal aliens. But left out of the closed-door White House meeting were senators who oppose a path to citizenship

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Associated Press

Mexico's economy, society and political system are built around the assumption that migration and amnesties for undocumented migrants will continue — and that the $20 billion they send home every year will keep coming, and almost certainly grow.

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The recent increased amount of discussion and protest marches about the immigration situation in the United States has encouraged individuals to look to government for solutions.

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Business Week

Living south of the U.S. border can be a surreal experience. When I was in Tijuana recently trying to navigate a poorly marked main artery to return a rental car, I suddenly realized I was on the wrong side of the four-lane highway, heading toward Sa
