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USA Today

Some accuse politicians of pandering to elements that Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, says are "absolutely, clearly racist." He says much of the rhetoric on illegal immigration is "playing to primal fear" and keeping lawmakers from com

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Washington Post

Federal law enforcement officials are investigating a series of bribery and smuggling cases in what they fear is a sign of increased corruption among officers who patrol the Mexican border.

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The U.S. National Guard Bureau chief dismissed suggestions they were militarizing the border with Mexico by sending thousands of soldiers to secure the border. "We're not putting 6,000 armed national guardsmen on the border as a show of for

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A Pennsylvania town that passed one of the toughest immigration laws in the US this week overstepped its authority, said a civil-liberties group which announced plans to sue. The city council of Hazleton, a former coal-mining town of some 31,000 p

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House Republican leaders are scheduling a new round of immigration hearings, saying three already held have strengthened their case for enforcement-heavy legislation. Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Wednesday the hearings have made clea

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USA Today

At least 30 states have passed laws or taken other steps this year to crack down on illegal immigrants, often making it harder for undocumented workers to find jobs or receive public services.

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The Guardian

Millions of oranges will rot on the trees of Florida this year because a shortage of fruitpickers has been aggravated by fears about more stringent US immigration laws. Growers have reported difficulty finding enough workers.

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Cities and states that aid illegal immigrants without reporting them to the authorities risk losing millions of dollars in homeland security and other federal money under two spending bills approved last month by the House. The bills, which fund t

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Former President Bill Clinton praised President Bush for supporting reforms that would allow millions of illegal immigrants to seek citizenship but said the debate in Congress is being fomented by Republicans who want to divide America.

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Canada's fledgling prime minister publicly told President George W. Bush on Thursday he was worried about a planned U.S. border crackdown, saying that if the United States becomes more closed to its friends "then the terrorists have won.

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President George W. Bush on Wednesday vowed to keep working for immigration legislation including a guest worker program, as Republicans held dueling hearings to build support for rival bills. Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter assembled employers an

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The Colorado Supreme Court stood its ground Monday, refusing to allow a ballot initiative that would deny most state services to illegal immigrants. However, the justices modified their original opinion with more in-depth explanations of their reason

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Christian Science Monitor

In a case with implications for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and their families, the Supreme Court ruled that a strict immigration measure requiring prior deportees to be automatically expelled from the country applies to any illegal immig

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[Because you voters will swallow anything.] In an election-year battle over immigration, congressional Republicans said they plan to take the issue directly to voters with hearings across the country on whether millions of illegal immigrants should h

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Right now, immigration is a hot-button issue. But the issue will fade over the next few years. Talk of building a 2,000-mile wall along the border with Mexico will quiet down, and the U.S. will once again proudly put out the welcome mat for foreigner

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In a defeat for President Bush, Republican congressional leaders said that broad immigration legislation is all but doomed for the year, a victim of election-year concerns in the House and conservatives' implacable opposition to citizenship for m

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Associated Press

A few Texas ranchers tired of costly repairs to cattle fences damaged by illegal immigrants have installed an easier route over the U.S.-Mexican border ladders. "It's an attempt to get them to use the ladders instead of tearing the fences

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by Jerome R. Corsi -

Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football-fields-wide, through the heart of the U.S. along Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian bord

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Christian Science Monitor

Back from a week in their home districts, members on both sides of the aisle report a growing disconnect between Congress and constituents on issues ranging from war to fuel prices. But voters greatest frustration regards immigration.

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Associated Press

The governor of Texas wants to turn all the world into a virtual posse. Rick Perry has announced a $5 million plan to install hundreds of night-vision cameras on private land along the Mexican border and put the live video on the Internet, so that an

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