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With each new illegal alien gang member gathering strength through numbers, Los Angeles suffers horrific violence. As membership grows, violence, drugs and trafficking accelerate across America. Any American can be the next victim.

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Teams assigned to make sure foreigners ordered out of the United States actually leave are grappling with a backlog of more than 600,000 cases and can't accurately account for the fugitives' whereabouts, the government reported.

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Christian Science Monitor

Unlike last year, when the House and Senate passed vastly different bills, comparable bills are likely to emerge on both sides of the Capitol, including a guest-worker program and a path to "earned citizenship" for those in the US illegally

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FEE(Sheldon Richman)

No matter what the advocates of free immigration say about the natural individual right to move without government permission, many people remain unconvinced because they expect theory and practice to diverge. Open borders may be good in the abstrac

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Arizona Republic

[Heck, I enjoy paying more of the few dollars I am left with.] Arizona business leaders are increasingly at odds with Republican Party leadership over immigration issues, particularly leaders who aim to crack down on employers who hire undocumented w

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CBS News

The largest immigration bust in the history of southern Massachusetts took place Tuesday after hundreds of illegal aliens were discoverd working in New Bedford making products for the US military. CBS affilate WPRI reports the massive raid

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Napolitano conceded DPS officers don't need special training or authority to enforce immigration law for crimes which are violations of state law. She said the officers are getting cross-training so they can arrest illegal border crossers.

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Washington Times

If such conservative stalwarts as Tom Tancredo and John Doolittle now champion increased government power to mold private businesses into their preferred image, is there any hope left for the dwindling camp of Reagan Republicans who sincerely and con

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LA Times

Jim Gilchrist, the Orange County accountant who gained national recognition as the co-founder of a citizen border patrol group, will ask a judge this afternoon to issue a restraining order in order to regain control of the Minuteman Project.

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LA TImes

Even as the federal government is starting to crack down on companies that hire illegal immigrants, it's been helping those same workers send money home, cheap. The Federal Reserve allows customers without Social Security numbers to wire money th

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(Video - If America doesn't get back to representing the rights of the smallest minority, the individual, no one stands a chance against the whims of a young, energetic and angry majority)

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A recent standoff between National Guardsmen and heavily armed outlaws along the Mexican border has rattled some troops and raised questions about the rules of engagement for soldiers who were sent to the border in what was supposed to be a backup ro

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