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USA Today

Mohammad Barikbin came to the USA in 1988 and says he has spent every day since then fulfilling the American dream. The Iranian immigrant started a catering business in Philadelphia, then a taxi company and a taxi call center, all while investing in

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Just because a Senator or President can't get a guest worker program online, doesn't mean that an ambitious state representative with help from a Senator cannot enact a State of Arizona Guest Worker Program

News Link • Global Reported By Bruce Barton
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For decades we have welcomed new immigrants to our American "melting pot". But Americans have noticed lately that modern problems associated with illegal immigration are at a crisis point. Taxpayers are now suffering the consequences.

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In New York their meetings will include financier David Rockefeller, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, New York Federal Reserve president Timothy Geithner, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

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The Libertarian Enterprise

A serious effort to stamp out illegal immigration in this country would face much the same problems—and, for the power-hungry, offer the same opportunities, as the war on (some) drugs has provided....

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Dowell Myers

Recent US immigration trends show leveling and, in some cases, declines in foreign-born persons as a percentage of the total population. [.pdf of study that includes a good look at upward mobility of immigrants vs. the US population]

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PHOENIX -- A Border Patrol agent killed by a suspected smuggler's vehicle he was trying to stop near the border was identified Sunday as a 32-year-old father of two.

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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"It's time to grow up and recognize that if we're serious about this threat, we've got to take reasonable, measured but nevertheless determined steps to getting better security," he said in an interview with The Associated Press

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Arizona steel fabricator Sheridan Bailey has been laying off employees in recent weeks even though he has plenty of orders on the books. His firm, Ironco Enterprises, shed around 10% of its 100-strong workforce to get in line with a state law going i

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Mexican illegal immigrant Lindi sat down in the weeks before Christmas to decide when to go back to Mexico. She has spent three years working as a hairdresser in and around Phoenix, but now she figures it is time to go back to Mexico [for good].


Time Magazine advocates unending immigration until this country resembles another China. What could possibly be their purpose? How stupid do they prove in the glaring light of climate change and unending water crisis, air pollution and gridlock? Fin


Ever hear the complaints of people around a coffee shop? They usually address what's happening in our society at large. Here are a few that we face in the United States in the first decade of the 21st century. If you could go back in time, you