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Eduardo Gonzalez, a petty officer second class with the US Navy, is about to be deployed overseas for a 3rd time. Making his deployment even tougher is the fact his wife and young son may not be around when he comes back. He also doesn't know wha

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Tucson Citizen

The Pima County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to oppose the U.S. Border Patrol's plan to set up a permanent checkpoint on Interstate 19. Critics told supervisors such a checkpoint would be worse than ineffectual in stopping illegal immig

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New York Times

(Must have to do with her name) Nalini Ghuman, an up-and-coming musicologist and expert on the British composer Edward Elgar, was stopped at the San Francisco airport in August last year and, without explanation, told she was no longer

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Glenn Beck

GLENN: Right. But isn't illegal immigration a crime in and of itself? GIULIANI: No. GLENN: Should it be? GIULIANI: Should it be? No, it shouldn't be because the government wouldn't be able to prosecute it. We couldn't prosecute 12

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Fox News

Instead of resolving her arrest on the tickets within a few hours, Alicia Rodriguez spent 16 hours in custody and missed her children's first day of school. She was freed after an officer checked her birth certificate and Social Security number.


How many American deaths will it take for our president and Congress to get serious about securing our borders with Mexico? Why do we station 37,000 troops on the border of Korea, but none on the border of Mexico? Your family stands at risk as thou

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An illegal immigrant who stayed in a Chicago church for a year to avoid separation from her 8-year-old son, a U.S. citizen, was arrested Sunday and being processed for deportation. Elvira Arellano, who arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday after leav