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A U.S. border security program that photographs and fingerprints visitors from most foreign countries has apprehended just one terrorism-related suspect since its 2004 inception, officials said. [If it only catches just 1 terrorist it's worth it;

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USA Today

Ranching magnate Bill Moody's vast holdings spread across three Texas counties and include 35 miles of frontage along the Rio Grande, where thousands of illegal immigrants and smugglers have crossed from Mexico into the USA. They have worn paths

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LA Times

Tensions are surfacing as Democratic leaders must deal with newly elected conservatives inside their own party. For Democrats pondering the challenges of overhauling immigration policy during next year's Congress, incoming members like Claire McC

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NY Times

After boasting of having captured 12,000 illegal crossers on land he owns or leases from the state and emerging as one of the earliest and most prominent of the self-appointed border watchers, Mr. Barnett finds himself the prey.

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WWIV Report (kudos Steve A.)

Ex-Israeli security chief Uza Dayan was warning the US against emulating Israeli strategies in securing the Mexican border. Now it appears that an Israeli firm has been awarded a contract to build the wall on the Mexican border.

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A survey commissioned by the National Venture Capital Association says immigrant entrepreneurs have had a profound impact on job creation. The group's study, authored by Stuart Anderson of the National Foundation for American Policy and Michaela

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[And you thought this was a Republic.] In an effort to make the citizenship exam more meaningful, the federal government said it will test an exam that relies less on trivia and more on applicants' grasp of American democracy.

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A federal judge blocked the city from imposing fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and denied business permits to companies that give them jobs. Would have required tenants to register with City Hall and pay for a rental permit.

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LasVegas Now

Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Jim Gibbons is facing more tough questions on a whole new issue. These questions revolve around an illegal immigrant whom Gibbons and his wife Dawn employed as their housekeeper and babysitter.

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LA Times

Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were watching the Mexican boundary last year when they stopped a van carrying 743 pounds of marijuana. The driver fled back across the Rio Grande -- with a gunshot wound in his buttocks.

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Presiden Bush signed a law that will pay for hundreds of miles of new fences along the U.S.-Mexico border, a move against illegal immigration that Republicans had sought before next month's congressional elections.

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Raw Story

Bella Maryanovsky, a 30-year legal resident of the US, was arrested when she entered immigration offices for a routine update of her green card papers. It appears she was arrested under a new immigration program called “Operation Return to Sender.”

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Washington Post

The Senate gave final approval last night to legislation authorizing the construction of 700 miles of double-layered fencing on the U.S.-Mexico border, shelving President Bush's vision of a comprehensive overhaul of U.S. immigration laws in favor

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[Crops rotting, prices up] "We're seeing the wolf at the door," said John McClung, president of the Texas Produce Association, referring to worsening shortages reported by many of the 300 growers, shippers and importers his organization

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NY Times

The number of refugees admitted to the United States fell 23 percent this year because of provisions in two antiterrorism laws that have sharply reduced the number of resettled refugees, State Department officials said.

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Strike the Root

What does the government spend money on? Social security - mostly for elderly whites. Military spending, which mostly benefits whites. Interest payments on the national debt aren't exactly swelling the coffers of the NAACP. Corporate welfare?

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Brian Doherty(Reason)

The federal government, in this election year when immigration reform has been (inexplicably) one of the hottest issues, is out to prove it can protect our nation's borders -- by invading our nation's chicken processing plants. A nationwide