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(What better reason to get rid of the IRS and income tax) The Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, which helped to organize a huge March 25 rally in LA, received $495,627 in government funds between July 2003 and June 2004.

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USA Today

Some people here on the USA's northern edge have been hoping to ease security that was beefed up after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Almost five years after those attacks, Cindy Servis, who carves wood statues, wasn't fretting a

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Associated Press

The first National Guard troops sent to assist immigration agents prepared to work on projects near a fortified stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border. The 55 Utah National Guard members plan to begin extending fences, improving gravel roads

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What's the best long-term immigration policy for the global economy? Right now we have an international system where goods and services move easily across national borders, but flows of people are strictly regulated. The 149 countries that belong

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Are you sending your brick to Washington? Before you do, get a bit creative! Decorate your brick and we'll post the pictures for the world to see! [I may not agree with the desired outcome, but the message is funny. Tell 'em to shove it up

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Arizona Republic

Nearly three-quarters of Arizona residents surveyed in a new poll believe migrant workers should have a way to come and go from this country without breaking US law, and just 4% view illegal immigration from Mexico as a terrorist threat.

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Associated press

Amid the heated debate in Washington over border enforcement and citizenship for illegal immigrants lies a Senate bill provision that would significantly raise the number of annual visas for highly skilled foreign workers. The high-tech industry a

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Tim Cavanaugh(LA Times)

Among the many measures and half-measures that are being proposed to solve the crisis of illegal immigration, there have been some real doozies: a 700-mile wall to keep people out (or in?), a temporary guest-worker program that may end up harming

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Associated PRess

"Legislation to secure U.S. borders and offer millions of illegal immigrants access to the American dream cleared the Senate, a rare election-year reach across party lines and a triumph for President Bush." ABC

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A bipartisan working group of five senators has reached a consensus on a massive new government system to verify the status of anyone who applies for a job in the US. Require all US employers to submit job applicants' Social Security numbers or o

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Associated press

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, who has pushed a tough border security bill through the House, accused President Bush of abandoning the legislation after asking for many of its provisions. "He basically turned his back on provisions of the House-passed

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"Instead of people trying to sneak across this border here, doesn't it make sense to have them come and do jobs Americans aren't doing on a legal basis so that the pressure is off our border?" Bush told Fox News in the Arizona deser

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Associated Press

Once again the Bush administration is turning to the military to help solve a domestic problem. But instead of hurricane aid or preparations to cope with avian flu, the Pentagon is being asked to possibly provide thousands of National Guard troops to
