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Complete Unedited Text Of Barrett Brown Allocution Jay Leiderman | January 22, 2015


(Allocution: In the criminal procedure of some common law jurisdictions, an allocution or allocutus is a formal statement made to the court by the defendant who has been found guilty, prior to being sentenced. Barrett Brown sentenced to 63 months for 'merely linking to hacked material')

"Good afternoon, Your Honor. "The allocution I give today is going to be a bit different from the sort that usually concludes a sentencing hearing, because this is an unusual case touching upon unusual issues. It is also a very public case, not only in the sense that it has been followed closely by the public, but also in the sense that it has implications for the public, and even in the sense that the public has played a major role, because, of course, the great majority of the funds for my legal defense was donated by the public. And so now I have three duties that I must carry out. I must express my regret, but I must also express my gratitude. And I also have to take this opportunity to ensure that the public understands what has been at stake in this case, and why it has proceeded in the way that it has. Because, of course, the public didn't simply pay for my defense through its donations, they also paid for my prosecution through its tax dollars. And the public has a right