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The Rest of the Story - Steve Kirsch's MIT Speech on NZ Whistleblower Barry Young's Revelati

• Art of Liberty Daily News

(Publisher Note: The first 23 minutes of the Students Introducing Steve Kirschs' MIT Speech is worth the viewing. The Narrative HAS Shifted.)

Steve Kirsch, the head of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), just gave a talk at the Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy (MIT) explaining the record-level data from three countries (US, New Zealand and the Maldives), including new data released by whistleblower Barry Young, an Oracle database admin from the New Zealand Ministry of Health, showing that the Covid "vaccines" have definitely killed over 10 million worldwide. Credible estimates range from 13 million (Steve Kirsch of the VSRF) to 17 million (Professor Denis Rancourt) to 20 million+ (Peter Halligan), which is significantly more than the supposed 7 million allegedly killed by "The Covid," which, itself, is an inflated number jacked up by PCR/Antigen tests notorious for false positives, relabling the seasonal flu, and incentives offered to hospitals to classify patients and deaths as "Covid" which ginned up the fear to trick people into injecting themselves with poison. Barry Young, the Oracle databa