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IPFS News Link • Government

Understanding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Monopoly Seed Consolidation

Dr. Diane Kazer is a naturopath and certified detox specialist who hosts a popular wellness podcast called: Cleanse Heal Ignite. Diane had Art of Liberty Foundation founder, Etienne de la Boetie2 on to discuss this article being syndicated from "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History…Exposed! Executive Summary Control of the food supply is a well-known tactic for controlling populations. The Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin engineered a forced famine in Ukraine to crush its independence movement killing over 7 million. Many intelligent observers detect what looks like a pattern of chemical companies that make poisons for the military (Bayer/ Monsanto and DowDuPont) being financed by the largest banks and foundations focused on population control putting and/or testing harmful chemicals for the food supply including: Aspartame ?" Toxic sweetener linked to Donald Rumsfeld276 - Monsanto rBGH277 ?" Toxic GMO growth hormone for dairy production - Monsanto Fluor