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How The Fed Destroyed The Housing Market And Created Inflation In Pictures

• Art Of Liberty Daily News

By Tyler Durden

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The Fed erroneously does not consider rising home prices as inflation. Here's the result in pictures.

Case-Shiller national and 10-city home prices vs CPI, Rent, and Owners' Equivalent Rent

Chart Note

• Case-Shiller measures repeat sales of the same home over time. This ensures an accurate comparison of room size, yard size, and amenities. The only drawback is the data lags a bit. The most current data is from July representing transactions in May and June.

• OER stands for Owners' Equivalent Rent. It's the price of rent one would pay to rent one's own house, unfurnished without utilities.

For 12 years, home prices, OER, Rent, and the overall CPI all rose together. That changed in 2000 with another trendline touch in 2012. Then it was off to the races as the Fed did round after round of QE, suppressing mortgage rates.

Case-Shiller Home Price vs Hourly Earnings, the CPI, and Rent

Case-Shiller national home prices vs CPI, Rent, and Average Hourly Earnings.

As with the previous chart, for 12 years, home prices, rent, the overall CPI and hourly earnings all rose together. That changed in 2000 with another trendline touch in 2012.