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Deep State- Shadow Government

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If anyone still thinks that Donald Trump has some master plan to kill off his Deep State adversaries they should check themselves into therapy. I know withdrawal is hard, but admitting you have a problem is the first step to curing it. He doesn'

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Is Russia targeted by a thousand-year-old criminal conspiracy that, so very long ago, built a system of central banks and set monarch against monarch, century after century? Is this the Deep State Trump tells of, a network of "oligarch," central

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By Philip Giraldi Strategic Culture

The resignation letter of Secretary of Defense James Mattis that was published last Thursday revealed much of the Deep State mindset that has produced the foreign policy catastrophes of the past seventeen years. Mattis, an active duty general in the

Article Image by Pye Ian

Think back to when you saw that first Star Wars movie from 1977, and how the Death Star – this massive, cold, metal, ruthless, demonic Imperial battle station the size of a moon – was armed, mobilized & brutal enough to outright zap entire planet

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Clean House at Justice Department Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned, bringing an end to his controversial tenure as the nation's top law enforcement officer. He advanced some significant policy advances for the rule of law, but made a te

Article Image, Dave Hodges

As a professor, I graded some very substandard midterm and final exams. As a former college basketball coach, I absolutely coached some horrific games. However, in all my years on the planet, I have never seen such an ill-contrived false flag event o

Article Image By Thomas Lifson

The process by which the FBI and Department of Justice were corrupted into serving as political attack machines for the Democrats is finally coming into focus.