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IPFS News Link • False Flag Operations

Expect A 9/11 Style False Flag In 2019 To Push Us Into World War III As The Globalists Revolt ...

• By Stefan Stanford

If anybody else had noticed the very strange bedfellows that President Trump's recent announcement of troop withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan has created, you're not the only ones.

While California Democratic Representative Ted Lieu had not long ago proclaimed that he'd love to regulate the speech of Americans but the 1st Amendment prevents him from doing so, he also praised President Trump for his Syria troop withdrawal while taking a shot at Barack Obama, saying that neither administration had an 'end state' in mind for Syria nor a winning strategy. 

With Democrat Lieu joining Kentucky Senator Rand Paul who thanked President Trump for having the courage to do what needed to be done, Lieu's and Paul's remarks stand in stark contrast to Republican (in name only) Representative Marco Rubio who slammed President Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria, saying "whoever advised him has done a great disservice to the country."