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Deep State- Shadow Government

Article Image, By Pepe Escobar

A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept.

Article Image by John W. Whitehead

You gotta remember, establishment, it's just a name for evil. The monster doesn't care whether it kills all the students or whether there's a revolution. It's not thinking logically, it's out of control. -- John Lennon (1969)

Article Image

The question each of us needs to ask ourselves, and one another, is why do we get so much misinformation about Covid from public health authorities, political authorities, and press prostitutes?

Article Image - Jon Rappoport

Biden is a shill for a fragment of the plan. Nothing more. An empty head and an empty suit. The plan is technocratic, which is to say, it is an overall design and pattern for the future of society.