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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Global Elite: Regionalism Is Only Path To New World Order


 These are better understood as regional governments built using "free trade" deals as the foundation, with the European Union serving as the premier example. How do we know this is the plan? Because top Deep State globalists have said so publicly and repeatedly, and because that is the exact strategy being pursued openly.

All over the world, pseudo-"free trade" agreements and other sovereignty-shredding schemes are being used to transfer more and more power to transnational bureaucracies and courts. And eventually, these regional orders will be interwoven into an overlapping patchwork of multilateral regimes on the road to creating a truly global authority, perhaps under the United Nations or some less-discredited future global body. At least, that is the glob­alist plan. But it is starting to show major cracks amid historic public backlash.

As far back as 1950, globalists had openly revealed their agenda for global government under the United Nations. In his book War or Peace, for example, global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations co-founder John Foster Dulles spelled it out clearly. "The United Nations represents not a final stage in the development of world order, but only a primitive stage," Dulles wrote. "Therefore its primary task is to create the conditions which will make possible a more highly developed organization." In the same book, Dulles went on to argue that the existing UN Charter was strong enough to serve as the foundation for a world government. "I have never seen any proposal made for collective security with 'teeth' in it, or for 'world government' or for 'world federation,' which could not be carried out either by the United Nations or under the United Nations Charter," he said.

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