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Media -**QQ**Fake News**QQ**

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In this episode, I address the latest intelligence community "leak" and the real reason behind it. I also address a game changing attack overseas and my concerns about our security future.

Article Image by David Martosko

--collapsing Brett Kavanaugh bombshell deepens as reporters say newspaper's editors REMOVED acknowledgment in their article that new 'accuser' has no memory of event called a sexual assault

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In this episode, I address the decision by this major company to attack your Second Amendment Rights. I also discuss the possibility of some major information drops coming in the next few weeks. Finally, I discuss the tidal wave of fake news in the l

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

So when is the news not the news? When it's simply ignored by the mockingbird media, of course. Join James for today's exploration of yet another tool in the propagandists' toolbox in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Article Image by Pete Norman

Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel "large-scale, automated disinformation attacks," as the top Republican in Congress blocks efforts to protect the integ

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

Yesterday's column referred to a "rising labor force participation rate" when it should have read "falling labor force participation rate." Those of you who read the column before I made the correction must have been puzzled, but, little d

Article Image by Aaron Dykes

Editor's Note by Aaron: One of the main drives to all funded scientific discovery, which has displaced any other type of scientific inquiry, and which dominates university and government research, is to apply the knowledge to the levers of control.