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Media -**QQ**Fake News**QQ**

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The lead front page story of the fake paper read: "Unpresidented. Trump hastily departs White House, ending crisis." Fake print copies of The Washington Post were floating around the nation's capital Wednesday.

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I published a commentary on December 4, 2018, with the premise that the dissemination of fake news isn't the primary problem in the media and elsewhere today. Rather, it is the dissemination of cherry-picked facts to make a point while ignoring co

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On 4 December 2018, HuffPost published an article by senior editor Chris York, whose single purpose was to discredit Professor Piers Robinson of the University of Sheffield (UK). Prof. Robinson is Chair in Politics, Society and Political Journalism

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We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski - YouTube.Com

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on what is going on France among other stories that are simply not being covered in western media. Instead, the media is serving up clickbait distraction issues that just can't be taken seriously an