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Massive Fake News Campaign Targets Brazil's Amazon Fires


The hysteria over Brazil's "lungs of the earth" has even become a central contention at the G7 meeting in Europe, with global leaders calling for intervention to save the Amazon jungle.

The problem is that most pictures being circulated on social media are NOT of this year's fires at all! Photos are being dragged out from fires dating back to 1989 and presented as if they were taken in 2019.

This is fake news and blatant disinformation at its worst, but the world's news media is using it to fan the fires of outrage in an attempt to achieve a political outcome, namely, Sustainable Development.

In particular, the Amazon rain forest is seen as vital to countering global warming.

Meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who writes for the radical environmental journal Grist, Tweeted today,

"Smoke from the fires currently burning in the Amazon rainforest is covering about half of Brazil. We are in a climate emergency."

Apparently fire and smoke is seen as proof of global warming.