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Central Banks/Banking

Article Image by Gold's Middle Fin

Sensationalism, like central bankers and policy makers, has many faces, views and voices. This may explain why so many want to hold their ears, hug their knees and beg the heavens for a beacon of guiding light amidst a 24/7 fog of info-cycle pablum

Article Image BY GOLDCORE

In today's episode, Dave Russell of GoldCore TV looks at the actions of central banks, legislators, and regulators and asks… Are Central Banks and Governments now starting to target cryptocurrency investors?

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Last week, when discussing the latest earnings call commentary, Bank of America said "Buckle up! Inflation is here", and showed a chart of the number of mentions of "inflation" during earnings calls which exploded, more than tripling YoY per comp

Article Image, By Joaquin Flores

Our aim is to attempt to understand the real motives of the elites, understanding that aside from what they may view as their own agency or intentions, are paradigmatic and formative questions in culture, of which they too are subjects of.
