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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Gold's Middle Finger To Lying Currencies

• by Gold's Middle Fin

Facts in a Fog of Sensationalism

With so many opposing ideas, movements, policies, parties, and personalities buzzing galvanically for attention, dollars or votes (in a world rightly or wrongly brought to its pandemic-accelerated knees), it's becoming increasingly difficult to believe anything or anyone.

And this is likely because just about everything and everyone (from defective Fed chairmen to defecting royal princes and politicized prompt readers) has become, well—sensationalized.

Yet perhaps perspectives like mine are no exception. The title of my 2020 best-selling Amazon book on global markets, "Rigged to Fail," sure sounds sensational, doesn't it?

Was it just another doom & gloom scare-book with a catchy title for profitable "info-tainment"? Just another sensational voice joining the choir of omni-present crazy?

I'll admit it's a fair question.

But what if…

What if… these markets truly are rigged, and what if they (and economies) truly do fail? What if the evidence, rather than just the title, of that multi-chaptered observation is objective rather than, well…sensational?

Cynics (and I'm one of them) could say I'm plugging a book or exploiting a meme.

Fair enough.

But facts are stubborn things, and as Goethe wrote long ago: Some books are meant to show off what an author thinks he knows, while others (thankfully) are simply meant to be useful.
