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Article Image, By Ron Unz

Early on the morning of May 3rd the Kremlin was attacked by two explosive drones, and although these were destroyed by the defenses, the Russian government claimed that the incident had probably been an assassination attempt against President Vladimi

Article Image, Melkulangara Bhadrak

The West's cryptic or mocking remarks doubting the Kremlin statement on the failed Ukrainian attempt to assassinate President Vladimir Putin do not detract from the fact that Moscow has no reason on earth to fabricate such a grave allegation that h

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Whodunit? Two drones appear to have targeted the Kremlin just hours ago, raising the possibility that US-proxy Ukraine was trying to kill the Russian president. With Russian calls for a devastating response, who could be behind this escalation? Ukrai

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The Russian military continues massive strikes on strategic military facilities on the territory of Ukraine. Recently, Russian strikes have mainly targeted the Kiev-controlled eastern and southern regions but, on April 28, Russian missiles and drone

Article Image by melkulangara bhadra

The Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to the country's "new territories" of Lugansk and Kherson/Zaporozhye Regions on Monday to assess the military situation.

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

Two days ago, I posted an article entitled "Time to Revisit the Maria Butina Case," which showed that when it comes to playing the game of taking "political hostages," the U.S. government is certainly no piker.

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

Yesterday, I wrote about the concocted, made-up, fake crime that U.S. officials used to incarcerate Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout for some 14 years of his life, until he secured his freedom from incarceration in the trade with accused drug-law viol