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IPFS News Link • War Crimes



Before the massive night attack, Ukrainian media reported that five Russian Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers armed with X-101 or X-555 cruise missiles took to the air. Kiev could get this information only from the United States or NATO intelligence.

By morning, the Ukrainian military reported that their air defenses had allegedly shot down 21 Russian missiles, without specifying how many of them had reached their targets.

Despite the fact that Kiev has banned Ukrainians from filming and posting the consequences of Russian strikes on social networks, videos showcasing the defeat of targets continue to be published online, confirming the damage that Kiev is hiding.

Explosions thundered in the cities of Kiev, Kremenchuk, Dnepropetrovsk, as well as in the Kiev, Mykolaiv, Poltava and Cherkasy regions. Strikes targeted military infrastructure facilities: locations of Ukrainian forces, ammunition depots and accumulation points for military equipment and weapons.
According to Ukrainian reports, seven Russian missiles were shot down over the city of Dnepropetrovsk. However, two oil depots filled with fuel for Western military equipment were destroyed in the city. Local authorities reported that two people were killed and three were injured.

The Ukrainian military once again demonstrated their incompetence and the inability of Ukrainian air defenses to protect their own people. Local officials confirmed that Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed a multi-storey residential building in the city of Ukrainka in the Kiev region.