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IPFS News Link • Finland

Finland Unveils 1st Section Of Russian Border Fence After Joining NATO

• Zero Hedge

The nearly half-billion dollar fence is expected to be completed by 2026, and is topped with barbed wire and has a height of three meters (or nearly 10-feet tall).

"We started work on the site about a month ago. We have built a road and foundations," a representative of the construction company GRK told the AFP.

According to more from AFP: "About 70% of the fence will be erected on the southeast, with several smaller sections planned for central Finland and the largely uninhabited Arctic border in Lapland."

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The real question is, Will this fence effectively keep Finns out of Russia? If Ukraine had built a big fence before going to war with Russia (by attacking her own people in the Donbas), would the millions of refugees fleeing Ukraine have gone elsewhere, other than Russia? Or is it the tiny start of a program in Finland to keep Finns from leaving the country at all? Does the water freeze in northern Finland in the winter so Finns can walk around the fence into Russia? Fence (and defense?) contractors must be happy with all the money they are making.