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Article Image By Zack Pack

Having a diverse set of skills is perhaps one of the most important ways to prepare for an unpredictable future. But which skills are the most useful to learn? How can you predict what you'll need to know?

Article Image, Daisy Luther

America has a disturbing history of creating medical crises with prescription drugs. Just look at the "opioid epidemic" it's an epidemic started by doctors prescribing medication to their patients in response to severe pain.

Article Image by Homesteading Family

How prepared are you? What would you do in an emergency if medical help was 30 or 40 minutes away from you? There are three types of herbs you can keep on hand and ready to use for going into triage mode until emergency crews arrive.

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

If you find yourself in a survival situation with minimal gear, could you cook your food with a thermos? You bet you can. You can also use a thermos as a low-fuel method for power outage cooking. Here's how.

Article Image by Fabian Ommar

I've discussed the role of the economy in SHTFs on T.O.P. innumerable times, even examining parallels between historical and contemporary occurrences. One of the subjects addressed in said article was homelessness, both during the Great Depression

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

Want to save some money by dehydrating food for your preps? Here's what you need to know about how to dehydrate food.

Article Image


This is how we prepare for the apocalypse and boyfriends. It started out as a mobile archery target and backstop for my girls to practice but then I added axe throwing into the mix. Now we can compete side by side at archery or axe throwing. We just